TriState Mustang/Ford Club History
Tri-State Mustang Ford Club (TSMFC) was founded in 1979 by a group of people who shared a common interest in the ownership, restoration and use of the popular Ford brand of Mustangs. The founders put on the Tri-State area’s first Mustang and Ford car show in August 1981, to introduce the club to area enthusiasts and solicit new members. The club continues the tradition of an annual summer show held each year in the Cincinnati area.
The Mustang Club of America (MCA) was formed in March of 1976. TSMFC affiliated with the MCA in 1981 becoming one of the earliest affiliations in this geographical area to be a part of the MCA. Profits from that first show in 1980 were used to hire an attorney to file our articles of incorporation with the State of Ohio as a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit corporation.
TSMFC sponsor
ed an MCA National Show held at Forest Fair Mall in 1993, attracting cars from a wide area. The club was presented with the prestigious MCA Presidents Award first in 2007 which honors the club for activities, charitable contributions and
participation in MCA events by accumulating 100 points from a list of accomplishments. The Club has since achieved the award several times.
Members of our club have attended events in Indy, Fort Wayne, Columbus, Youngstown, Pensacola, Pigeon Forge, Springfield (Illinois), Reading (Pennsylvania), Cherokee (NC), Nashville (Tennessee and Indiana), Charlotte, Carrolton (KY) and Detroit.